Sky Watch Party: Red Planet Blazing 🌍🔴

Join us for an unforgettable Red Planet Blazing (Mars at Opposition) Sky Watch on Thursday, January 16th at 5:00 PM, when Earth passes between Mars and the sun, bringing the fiery Mars into opposition! During this event, which occurs about every two years, you can look towards the east after sunset and observe Mars as a bright, reddish-orange star. We’ll have telescopes, binoculars, and constellation charts to help you explore celestial wonders. Feel free to bring your own telescope to share the experience.

Come early to enjoy a cozy atmosphere and get ready for a night of stargazing.

Meet us at 12847 Old Hickory Blvd., Antioch, TN 37013. Look for Friends of Mill Park signage near the roofed picnic shelters/pavilions.

Grace Ingram