Water Walk

Help us on Friday, July 26th at 9:00am clean and rejuvenate the pond and other water sources at Mill Ridge Park. Volunteers will help to clear invasive species around the pond as well as duck weed in the pond. Our goal is to beautify the pond  as well as make room for benches to allow for eventual fishing and nice seating areas around the pond. This opportunity may also include walking the trails of Mill Ridge Park to make sure the streams are clear of litter and easily accessible by all hikers and adventurers.  Activities involve hiking, bending, lifting, and the use of hand tools, and include:

  • Planning, measuring, mapping, and marking where a bridge or bench might best go. 

  • Performing brushing activities with loppers, pruners, and weed wrenches.

  • Moving downed trees and branches from trail to maintain proper corridor and prevent shortcutting. 

  • Clearing ponds and streams

For more details and to sign up to volunteer, click on this link:


Volunteers for this event should dress for warm weather conditions, preferably in layers.  We recommend pants and shoes with adequate tread suitable for outdoor activity on rough, uneven terrain. A portable toilet is available near the trailhead.  

Darrell Hawks