Birding Talk & Walk

Local ecologist and birder, Tahira Mohyuddin, just concluded an internship with the bird banding* team at Manomet Inc. in Plymouth, MA. Come learn from her about that unique project and about birding, including a migratory birding walk around the parkland. We'll provide snacks and beverages along with binoculars, birding guides, and birding games for this interactive experience, fun for the whole family.

Please take COVID-19 safety precautions during this outdoor gathering.

*Bird banding involves setting out mist nets, carefully removing the trapped birds, and determining each individual’s species, age, sex, weight, and fat content. Before releasing them, an aluminum band with a unique set of numbers is placed on one of the legs of the birds to identify the individual in the future. With the data collected from bird banding we can learn a lot about avian migration, population, life history, and productivity. We can also answer questions on issues relating to climate change and conservation.

Darrell Hawks